April Foster Parent Cafe (online)

Are you a foster parent in need of additional support? Description: Parenting children from tough places and backgrounds is different than parenting children who have had had a stable enviornment their entire life.  Parenting children who have exprienced trauma during...

Parenting, Technology and Apps, oh my!

Do you know what types of devices your children or teens are using? Are you familiar with all of the social media apps that can be found on those devices?  Our workshop will cover those questions, as well as how to monitor, what lingo to look out for. Details:...

National Foster Care Month 2016

“The success of our country tomorrow depends on the well-being of our children today. During National Foster Care Month, we lift up our Nation’s foster children, celebrate the selfless men and women who embrace children in the foster care system, and we recommit...

Middle School Support

Are you a parent of a middle school student? Do you constantly battle it out with your tween or young teen?   I work with this age group regularly, both in individual counseling and in group counseling.  This age group is amazingly awesome to have in the office, best...