Use the contact form below to inquire about counseling services or request an appointment.
Please check your spam/junk email for our response. Some e-mail servers send our e-mail response to junk or spam or promotions folder. Please be patient with us, as we will respond as quickly as we can and provide as many options as possible. The messages are checked daily, if you do not get a response in 24 hours please resubmit.
If your family plans to use insurance or a sliding scale fee, please complete the insurance/sliding scale form: on top of filling out the form below to speed up the process.
We appreciate you reaching out to us, we look forward to working with you!
E-mail is neither a private nor confidential form of communication. Email is retained in the logs of email service providers and may be stored on computers that send and receive the email. As with other unsecured electronic communication, email is vulnerable to third-party interference and potentially could be accessed by unauthorized persons without your permission.
We would love to connect! Are you ready to take the next step?
If connecting with us online is easier, please send us an e-mail or connect with us through the contact form on this page.To use the contact form to connect with our office please fill in and submit the information. We would appreciate any important details such as what services you are looking for or what therapist you are interested in working with so we can best serve you.
If you prefer to call, please call our office and leave a voicemail at 636-255-0002. We ask that callers speak slowly and clearly, because at times their connection quality is not good.
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