Rewriting your 2015 Scorecard!

Rewriting Your 2015 Scorecard!! Do you decide on a New Year’s resolution every year? You are not alone! Many of us do, and often times before the first month of the year ends, we have already broken our promises to ourselves and many of the resolutions made for the...

The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015

Does thinking about the end of the year and the upcoming New Year get you down? Do any of these depressing conversations sound like the ones you have with yourself sometime between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, year after year? “I just couldn’t lose those...

New Year’s Resolution Starter Kit

Most of us have been there – the start of a new year brings about exciting feelings of change and fresh starts. Perhaps you are looking to jump-start a new eating plan to lose those holiday gains, or train for a local race. You also may be thinking of switching...