Dysfunctional Family Habits, How to Fix Them

A dysfunctional family is a family unit which includes strange behaviors, conflict and sometimes abuse or neglect occur.  Children grow up in these families with the understanding that the dynamics are normal.  Sometimes the adults in the families become...


In 2010, after I completed my play therapy certificate program, I took a graduate level course, in Theraplay®. I chose to take the course, because I wanted to learn more about ways to work with those children and adolescents who struggle with attachment disorders.  I...

Importance of Sleeping

When parents come into the office for the first time, one of the questions in my intake, is about their children’s sleep.  Do they sleep too much? Too little? What TIME is their bed time? Do they actually go to bed at that time?  How many hours do they sleep at...

Back to School Nutrition

The back to school season can be very stressful for parents. Between rushing to buy school supplies, signing your kids up for after school activities and still finding time for all your other daily duties, it’s easy to forget about lunch. Healthy nutrition is very...

Positive Affirmations

This past weekend, I was at a local store, and I over heard a family’s conversation.  The mother, was belittling the children mentioning everything they had done wrong that morning, while the father followed up her comments with “kids I don’t...