Coping with Change

Hello all! Kristy here. I am the newest counseling intern at Step By Step Counseling. I am so excited to be a part of the team and I am looking forward to this new chapter, but I have to admit – change is hard! Whether it’s a new job, loss of a job, loss of a relationship, a move, starting a new school year or any other big transition, what always accompanies the change is STRESS. So here are a few ways to cope with stress when you are faced with change:

– Expect to feel uncomfortable: This is new for you. Your life, your system, has been disrupted. It’s normal to be nervous, scared, or sad but trust that you will find a new rhythm.

– Breathe: One great stress reducing technique is to control your breathing. When you are feeling stressed or anxious, slowly inhale through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth several times. This should help you feel more relaxed.

– Identify helpful coping strategies: Talk to family or friends about the change. Or you may want to designate an hour to wind down with no distractions. Play with your pet. Find out what activities help you reduce stress and make time to do them.

– Seek counseling: Some changes can be so drastic that we can’t deal with them on our own. If you are having trouble dealing with the change, reach out to Step By Step Counseling. We will connect you with someone who can help.



Kristy Dreisewerd is a Graduate Counseling Student at Lindenwood University and a Graduate Counseling Intern in the Stepping Stones Program with Step By Step Counseling.